I will solve the mystery behind spearmint tea and how it affects your period and PCOS symptoms. Don’t miss out on this essential guide to debunk the misconceptions and discover the truth.
Read this article and take charge of your well-being today by knowing the benefits of spearmint tea.
Reduce Androgen and testosterone levels
Yes, drinking spearmint tea may regulate your periods, hirsutism (facial hair) and reduces acne by lowering testosterone and androgen levels. According to studies, spearmint tea has antiandrogenic effects. It helps reduce testosterone levels and DHEAS levels.
It also increases ovulating hormones such as LH, FSH, and estradiol, which regulate your menstrual cycle.
In Turkey, a study was conducted in which 12 women with polycystic ovary syndrome and 9 with hirsutism were studied. They had been given spearmint tea for 5 Days, twice a day, in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.
An increase in levels of luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and estradiol and a decrease in male hormones were noted. This results in the induction of ovulation and regulation of periods. Yet, the study duration was short, so more research was needed.
Spearmint tea for PCOS
Spearmint tea help in treating PCOS symptoms by decreasing inflammation, hormonal imbalances, oxidative stress, and other processes involved in the condition.
Spearmint has anti –androgen properties that decreases testosterone level and Hirsutism in women with PCOS. Spearmint tea has been found to inhibit the 5α-reductase enzyme, which is responsible for converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) a more potent androgen associated with hirsutism and acne in PCOS. By blocking this pathway, spearmint tea helps reduce androgenic symptoms.
The spearmint is very good in the case of digestive upset , aids women with hormone imbalance , may reduce facial hair in women , may improve memory, lowering the blood pressure and blood sugar level. It also used to fight with bacterial infection, improve arthritis pain, reduce the stress and easy to incorporate into your diet.
Improve metabolic health in pcos
A meta-analysis found that tea supplementation, including green tea and spearmint tea, could have positive effects on body weight (BMI) and insulin and glucose levels (markers of metabolic health) in adults with PCOS.
This suggests that regular tea consumption may make it easier to lose weight with PCOS when combined with a healthy PCOS diet.
Spearmint tea is a hidden gem for acne
As acne and facial hair are some of the symptoms of PCOS, they are the result of irregularity in the menstrual cycle. The high amounts of androgens (male hormones) increase sebum production.
It results in an inflamed sebaceous gland and can trigger acne.
According to another study in “Pharmacognosy Magazine” spearmint oil exhibited antiandrogenic properties in rat models, potentially affecting hormonal balance.
Spearmint tea has a lot of antimicrobial chemicals and antioxidants, which decrease the growth of bacteria in the pores of your skin. It also decreases oxidative stress in your body and decreases inflammation.
Relieves Symptoms of Indigestion, Bloating and Gas
Spearmint tea belongs to mint family has anti-spasmodic properties, which are good for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Mentha spicata (spearmint tea) is famous for its anti-flatulence effects. It helps relieve bloating and gas (5).
Reduces Free Testosterone
Spearmint tea has treatment potential for PCOS through inhibition of testosterone and increase in the development of Graffian follicles in ovarian tissues (4).
Has Antioxidant properties that reduces inflammation
Animal studies reported that major abundant compounds such as carvone, limonene and menthol in spearmint, plus safety of spearmint oil, reveal its effect in reducing pain severity in osteoarthritis patients (5).
Spearmint contains many antioxidant compounds such as flavones and flavanone like limonene and menthol, caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid.
It also contains vit C which is famous antioxidant that reduces inflammation, maintains health of connective tissues, supports immune system, and protects against free radicals.
Act as a Diuretic and Can Help Reduce Water Retention
Spearmint considered as a diuretic, it increases urine production and promote the excretion of excess fluid through urine. Menthol, flavones in spearmint also has mild diuretic effects (6).
Blood Sugar Regulation
A study in Iran was conducted by aqueous spearmint tea extract 300mg/kg body weight in diabetic rats for 21 days. There is a significant decrease in fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, and triglyceride profile. Also, an increase in phenolic content and reducing power was noticed (7).
Another study also reveals anti-diabetic effect of spearmint on Streptozocin-induced Diabetic Rats (8).
Medicinal uses for spearmint
Spearmint tea is a herbal tea. Its leaves and oil are used in making medicines. Spearmint extract reduces stress and blood sugar levels, helps lose body weight, and improves digestion and memory.
It is also a flavoring agent in toothpaste, beverages, and foods. But FDA has not approved it as a medicine. Spearmint tea for PCOS is used as a supplement to balance your hormones. But before taking it, you must consult your doctor.
What are the side effects of spearmint tea?
Spearmint tea does not have any possible side effects if consumed daily. But if you consume it in large quantities, then it has the following issues:
- GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disease) patients can skip spearmint tea because it relaxes the esophagus and results in acid reflux and heartburn.
- Spearmint tea is known to balance hormones, but excess intake may disturb androgens in some women, resulting in irregular periods.
- People with kidney, liver issues cannot take spearmint tea
- Pregnant women should avoid spearmint tea or take with doctor consultation
How to drink spearmint tea?
Spearmint can be consumed in various forms, including fresh leaves, dried leaves for tea, essential oil, or supplements like spearmint capsules or extracts.
You can make tea by boiling leaves of spearmint. Add lemon and honey to enhance its taste.You can also add spearmint leaves to smoothies and consume them in the morning.
How much spearmint tea is safe to drink per day?
The recommended dosage is two cups of spearmint tea in the morning and one before bedtime. During the menstrual cycle in the follicular phase, this tea helps regulate your periods.
Can I drink spearmint tea during periods?
Yes, you can drink spearmint tea during periods, as studies have proven that the use of spearmint in the follicular phase increases ovulation and decreases testosterone levels. But too much tea can delay your periods.
Does spearmint tea increase estrogen?
There is no evidence that spearmint tea increases estrogen, yet it increases FSH, LH, and estradiol hormones.
Does spearmint tea reduce belly fat?
Spearmint teas have antiandrogenic effects, but no scientific evidence exists on weight loss. It’s better to adopt a balanced meal with this tea if you are consuming it for weight loss.
What is the best spearmint tea for acne?
You can select spearmint tea based on the leaves’ freshness, smell, or color. You can grow spearmint in your home garden. If you don’t want to grow it yourself, then you can order organic spearmint tea or its loose leaf from any store.
Irregular periods are now more common. Girls use herbal teas to treat them. The use of spearmint tea for PCOS is also one of them and is in demand.
Spearmint tea decreases androgen levels in the body and increases ovulating hormones, thus helping regulate periods.
It also decreases inflammation, reduces facial hair, acne, and stress, and improves memory. 2-3 cups of paper mint tea are recommended.
But in some women, it causes delay of periods, so always consult your dietitian before taking tea.
Healthcare or dietitians analyze your hormonal imbalance condition and then prescribe whether you should take spearmint tea. Further long-duration studies are needed to determine the effect of spearmint tea on periods.
Akdoğan M, Tamer MN, Cüre E, Cüre MC, Köroğlu BK, Delibaş N. Effect of spearmint (Mentha spicata Labiatae) teas on androgen levels in women with hirsutism. Phytother Res. 2007 May;21(5):444-7.
Grant P. Spearmint herbal tea has significant anti-androgen effects in polycystic ovarian syndrome. A randomized controlled trial. Phytother Res. 2010 Feb;24(2):186-8.
Role Of Mentha Spicata (Spearmint). 2022. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 1801-1809.
Sadeghi Ataabadi M, Alaee S, Bagheri MJ, Bahmanpoor S. Role of Essential Oil of Mentha Spicata (Spearmint) in Addressing Reverse Hormonal and Folliculogenesis Disturbances in a Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in a Rat Model. Adv Pharm Bull. 2017 Dec;7(4):651-654.
Mahboubi M. Mentha spicata as natural analgesia for treatment of pain in osteoarthritis patients. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2017 Feb;26:1-4.
Bayani M, Ahmadi-Hamedani M, Jebelli Javan A. Study of Hypoglycemic, Hypocholesterolemic and Antioxidant Activities of Iranian Mentha Spicata Leaves Aqueous Extract in Diabetic Rats. Iran J Pharm Res. 2017 Winter;16(Suppl):75-82.
Msc. Human nutrition and Dietetics. Help women in losing weight with PCOS